Enlargement SuperHero Art
What did you accomplish?
I accomplished creating an enlarged picture of Cat women.
I made accurate mesaurements and followed the grid lines.
I made accurate mesaurements and followed the grid lines.
Are you satisfied with your Super Hero enlargement?
Why / Why not? Yes I am satisfied with my enlargement
Why / Why not? Yes I am satisfied with my enlargement
because I used bright colours to make Cat Woman stand
What did you find easy when you created your SuperHero
enlargement? I found drawing the body of my super hero
easy because I used the pre- scaled image and the grid
lines to help me.
enlargement? I found drawing the body of my super hero
easy because I used the pre- scaled image and the grid
lines to help me.
What did you find challenging when you were creating your
SuperHero enlargement? I found ruling the grid lines
challenging because there were a lot of steps
SuperHero enlargement? I found ruling the grid lines
challenging because there were a lot of steps
What do you need to work on?
I need to work on the legs of Cat Woman because they are too
What would you change with your Super Hero
enlargement? I would change the orange out line to make
it more stand out.
enlargement? I would change the orange out line to make
it more stand out.
What would you do next time to improve Super Hero
enlargement? I would improve the details on Cat Woman’s face
so that it stands out and I woould make the whip smaller next
enlargement? I would improve the details on Cat Woman’s face
so that it stands out and I woould make the whip smaller next
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